You will show me the way of life!

God set us on a path when we surrendered by faith to our Savior, Jesus. His path is not without bumps, but it is by far the best path. It is an inviting path because Jesus accompanies us. Wherever He walks, we want to walk. Where He goes, we want to follow. When He is out front, we have confidence in the direction. When we run ahead, we lose the advantage of His compass. When we lag behind, we lose perspective and our focus of faith in Him. God’s path is the most productive because this is where we walk with Jesus. Along the path with Him, we hear His voice and His guidance in different directions. When we started out, we were determined to go in one direction. But over time, He has a way of revealing to us a better way.

You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.” Psalm 16:11


Stay on the path with Jesus. Our direction determines our destination. We can be full of good intentions and still be on the wrong path. Good motives do not govern our outcomes, and sincere dedication does not dictate our destination. The road we are on determines our route. The path you choose carries you toward or away from your goals. Paths have predetermined outcomes, so make sure to go down the God-honoring ones. We can lose a season of our life by strolling down a wrong path.


Do not be led astray down destructive paths. Addictions to work, drugs, alcohol, and pornography lead us down the path of death. Leading an out-of-balance life is traveling down the wrong path toward a wreck. Get off, go back, or start over; just don’t be naïve and keep going. Things can and will get worse unless you make a change of direction. Ask godly counselors to set your true north toward truth. God’s truth will set you free from flailing around on an unproductive path. So, walk in the truth (3 John 1:3) and walk with Jesus, as He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). Our spiritual, emotional, financial, relational, and vocational directions need to converge into Christ’s personal path designed just for us.


It is imperative for us as followers to begin, continue, and conclude on the path of faith in Christ. It is there you enjoy His perpetual presence and full-on forgiveness. It is there you are enlightened and secure. It is there you are in a position to help others and be led by the Holy Spirit. It is there you make your way to heaven, as the path of salvation starts by placing your total trust in Jesus Christ. The path of sanctification (maturity) is continual surrender, trust, and obedience to Almighty God. It’s the path that leads to glorification in heaven, your ultimate destination. Enjoy the path Jesus offers—one of joy in His presence and eternal pleasures in heaven. This is the most productive path of life.

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Jesus is a safe harbor

I am a follower of Jesus. I am a grateful delivered woman who was once an addict, but now God has restored me and renewed me. I have been redeemed and remade by our Creator through salvation of His Son, Jesus Christ! I just want to share what God has done in my life that you may have the opportunity to experience the same joy He gave me. I give God all the glory for everything in my life for I couldn't accomplish anything apart from Him. If ye shall know the truth, the truth shall set you free, John 8:32. He puts people in my life that help me and gives me the opportunity to help another. I am never surprised by his love and blessings. God has placed a confidence and love in myself that I have never had before… so "Thank you God".. for the many True Blue Christians you have put in my life and for all the blessings you bestow on me daily. I have not come this far without lots of prayers and the help and love of my true friends and family and I thank you God for those special people in my life. You are 100% my Savior! I will forever have your name on my lips. I realize now with lots of prayer and reading of the Word… that all the answers were here for me and I never asked the questions. Although I still struggle daily with other life’s daily cards that are dealt, I have an attitude now of “NO MATTER WHAT “– I will praise You, Lord~~~through my storms and my triumphs! I have much more to share and would love to answer any questions anyone may have for through all my trials what has come to be is that I want to help others to see what I didn’t see and hopefully prevent the same hurts, guilt, shame and woes that I had to deal with and give them the best gift of all… JESUS! I believe it's important that we know who we are in God ... We are a one of a kind and God has made us like no other for a purpose- His purpose. Yes, bad things happen and yes, we make poor choices, but we don't have to continue to make them. God's mercies are new each day. Once we realize, know and most importantly believe who we are in Christ, that we are a child of God, we are not an accident, and whatever the circumstances before us each day no matter what they are... God gives us the choice and the power of Him to choose right and live right. We no longer have to live in the past, but in the present and look with expectation to the future with God by our side guiding us and directing our steps. He is our strength and our hope needs to reside in Him. Let his power and love work in your life today and see that life does not have to be the way you are living now. He wants to help you, but you have to let him. He can't make us come to him, he is not lost - WE ARE! Please share this blog with others to encourage them for the glory of God! Ministry: Lost Sheep Ministries on Facebook

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